Restating my previous phrasing:

"Gate of Five Angles" is thus Gate-190, the total sum of all natural numbers from 1 to 19.

1+9 = 10

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You really like doing this, don't you? ;)


→ 190 (base-10) = 5A (base-36)

So... 5 Angles.


→ Actually you missed by 27 =)


→ Now you did it! Hahaha.

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you devil worshiper zhpl, you witchcraft bad man

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More to come, but here's a few notes building on §04 to start people off toying with this.

(Brief explanatory opener — AQ values have, bracketed, single-lemur derivations (utilizing a tangential method to the later application of the hex cycle — accessible (without documentation) in the xeno.cx gematrix (briefly stated (each step continuously applied, and prioritized in order): sum pairs — 3=147; 6=285 — sum same-cycle numbers)), and decimal reduction of the AQ.)

Decimal numerals listed with values in primitive method & AQ:

ZERO (₱ 4) = AQ 100 (= 10 = 1)

ONE (₱ 3) = AQ 61 (= 7)

TWO (₱ 3) = AQ 85 (= 4)

THREE (₱ 5) = AQ 101 (= 20 = 2)

FOUR (₱ 4) = AQ 96 (= 6)

FIVE (₱ 4) = AQ 78 (= 87 = 6)

SIX (₱ 3) = AQ 79 (= 97 = 7)

SEVEN (₱ 5) = AQ 110 (= 20 = 2)

EIGHT (₱ 5) = AQ 94 (= 4)

NINE (₱ 4) = AQ 78 (= 87 = 6)

Instructions from §04 followed, including supplementary information from above, along with sums of both ₱ and AQ values for a given syzygy:

ZERO (₱ 4) (AQ 100 (= 10 = 1)) + NINE (₱ 4) (AQ 78 (= 87 = 6)) = (₱ 8) (AQ 178 (= 70 = 7)).

ONE (₱ 3) (AQ 61 (=7)) + EIGHT (₱ 5) (AQ 94 (= 4)) = (₱ 8) (AQ 155 (= 20 = 2)).

TWO (₱ 3) (AQ 85 (= 4)) + SEVEN (₱ 5) (AQ 110 (= 20 = 2)) = (₱ 8) (AQ 195 (= 51 = 6)).

THREE (₱ 5) (AQ 101 (= 20 = 2)) + SIX (₱ 3) (AQ 79 (= 97 = 7) = (₱ 8) (AQ 180 (= 81 = 9)).

FOUR (₱ 4) (AQ 96 (= 6)) + FIVE (₱ 4) (AQ 78 (= 87 = 6)) = (₱ 8) (AQ 174 (= 30 = 3)).

A "modest" AQ-driven case for a different ordering, that constructs further pairings:

SIX + THREE (= AQ 180 (= 81 = 9)).

TWO + SEVEN (= AQ 195 (= 51 = 6)).

FIVE + FOUR (= AQ 174 (= 30 = 3)).

(195 + 174 = 369 (= 63 = 9)) (51 + 30 = 81 = 9) (6 + 3 = 9).

ONE + EIGHT (AQ 155 (= 20 = 2)).

NINE + ZERO (AQ 178 (= 70 = 7)).

(155 + 178 = 333 (= 63 = 9)) (20 + 70 = 90 = 9) (2 + 7 = 9).

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(Closing note — counting the "+" in Barrow's instructions as an explicit character yields a ₱ value of 9, rather than 8, for each syzygy. Above formulations constrain themselves to alphanumerics in the interests of not disrupting the last block, as we can infer does Barrow from the title _Octaves_.)

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