An encounter with a third type of sublime (beyond Kant’s ”dynamic” and ”mathematical” sublimes of power and number), a sublime of qualitative instead of quantitative overload, presenting a flood of seemingly possible interpretations none of which lead anywhere, just like a failed pornograhic Midjourney AI-image where every detail is obscene, but no single genitalium can be identified… Cf. Land’s essay ”Delighted to Death”.

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None of which lead anywhere, and you're publicly supporting this slime. Fuck me dead

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Jul 30, 2023
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That would be my silly opinion of the author you fucking dipshit

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Oh no, the dog dragged in a concept..

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Is it Schrödinger‘s cat?

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You R a dog, can you get anything right mate?

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more of this less reaction thanks in advance

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In the face of the dread perception of the Thing, Hannah shows us the third way: presence in the Now, not suicide, not consumption (as like Marylou) but reflection, thinking. A radical politics of the Now, a practice of immanent (even eschatological?) mindfulness. The Thing consumes, indeed has already consumed: but the veil which Hannah maintains is tangible, flexible. The veil is time; she can choose to look or not to, as can we. One must become a fabricator, a weaver, a Fate, if you will: prolonging the thread of time.

I want to say Skill issue; just look away! But I can’t, and nor can I expect Hannah to.

What of the third path? Where is the Dao that leads neither towards nor away from the thing jn ignorance, but deals with it as must be done?

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What is this ugly detritus in the comments

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The quantum physical implications of politics or vice versa?

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Why hello Doctor, vxxc ... reporting for ...something.

Capitalism is dead, BTW, but it shall rise again. Carrie may be holding it, or MaryLou.

...and don’t underestimate Jeb.

I don’t overestimate him, BTW.

Capitalism 🪦 RIP.

💀. The secret of capitalism is, or was...that private property was safe. Even from the Ruler.

Even if the Ruler was displeased, or galloping to war it was safe.

It was safe to bank with Anglos.

That was tossed away for moral posturing by sanctions.

That is the end of the Anglosphere. It was always safe banking and private property.

**The First Nation or Group to Restore Safe Banking will have funds**. The others will wilt, and starve for funding. The new honest bankers will fund the new world because they can fund the New World.

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what the fuck are you on about

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